Failed to connect to MySQL: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for failed: Name or service not known Submit a Proposal | York SFF

Submit an SAF Proposal

Proposals must be submitted at least 2 days prior to each SAF meeting to receive consideration at that meeting.
View the meeting dates.

Thank you for your interest in submitting a request for SAF funds. While all funds have been allocated for the 2016-17 academic year, funding requests for the 2017-18 academic year are now being accepted.

For questions, please contact Student Affairs at 888-555-2222.

Contact Information

Encouraged but not required.

Encouraged but not required.



(if applicable)

Event Information



(if applicable)

(if applicable)





What are the SAF funds going to specifically? The total should add up to the Total Amount Requested from above. You must list price comparisons in this field when requesting funding for transportation and equipment. As you consider pricing for equipment, please also consider durability as well.

Required (Should offset the Total Event Cost)


Use of the funds requires that your program/idea be open to all students and be advertised widely on campus. Please describe how you will accomplish this.

Approximately how many students will directly benefit from this Event?

York is centered on student learning. That being said, there are many areas that the campus is specifically focusing on: sustainability, diversity education, increasing enrollment, and community service to name a few. In the space above, please detail how your proposal will address specific priorities of the campus. You may also use this space to describe how this event will enhance York and the surrounding community in general. The committee will look more favorably on proposals that answer these questions in full.

As there is a tremendous amount of competition for SAF funds, the allocation committee is eager to consider the impact of each proposal. One way this occurs is to inquire of the intended outcomes of each proposal. In the space above, please outline what students will know, be able to do, or demonstrate as a result of participation in your proposed event. Alternately, some proposals support what goes on in the ‘background’ to make our campus a wonderful place to be; if your proposal is written for this purpose, please note that here.

A further way that we can measure the impact of each allocation is to understand the impact of funding after an event. Proposal writers should feel free to incorporate assessment measures such as surveys and the like for this purpose. As such, the writer of each proposal must submit a one-page review (including number of participants) of the event to the co-chairs (Jeff Parthree and Jeff Parthree) no more than seven days after the event. Failure to submit this assessment document may impact future funding to the proposing person or group.

It is suggested that those who are submitting proposals attend the SAF meeting when their proposal will be reviewed. This will allow the committee to have all potential questions answered, and will expedite the process for everyone who submits a proposal. Student Activity Fee Committee meetings are open for the discussion portions of the agenda. While the committee deliberates and votes, we ask all persons who are not committee members to exit the room.

Additionally, please know that the committee works to thoroughly discuss all proposals. This may mean that not every proposal that has been submitted may be addressed at the very next meeting following the submission. The committee chairs will work to keep each person who has submitted a proposal abreast of the progress of the committee following each meeting.

Please indicate your preference:

There are occasions when the committee will want to reduce the amount funded in order to approve the proposal.